Marie-Louise Hildebrand was born in Heidelberg in 1973. After completing her studies, she spent some time abroad in Spain, France and the USA.

During the last 8 years she lived in Berlin, before moving to Potsdam in 2021 where she opened her own studio and gallery in an old villa.

Painting has accompanied her life ever since her childhood. In 2017 she held her first solo exhibition in Berlin, followed by exhibitions in private locations, in the Barlach Halle K in Hamburg and at the ALHAMBRA in Berlin.

„It is the beauty of nature that overwhelms me with its unique moments. In the brilliance of the sun, in the shadow of a cloud, in the wet of a rain shower, in the glow of the moon. A single motive that is recreated depending on the incidence of light. Often it is a recognition at second glance“

Marie-Louise Hildebrand

Marie-Louise Hildebrand vor Ihrem Haus in Potsdam
zu Hause
Marie-Louise Hildebrand vor Ihrem Haus in Potsdam